Recently I was reminded of something I first heard when doing my #CIPR IC Certification, a quote by Jane Sparrow.
She said;
"Internal communication isn't an incidental part of an organisation; it's the golden thread that runs through everything, giving it strength, value and continuity."
Now, let me put that into context.
During a visit to NASA and the Apollo Moon Mission, President Kennedy asked a caretaker what his job was, he didn't say, "I'm just a janitor." Instead, he proudly replied;
"I'm helping to put a man on the moon, Sir."
That, in essence, is the golden thread running through the comms of the organisation - instilling a sense of shared purpose and pride that links us all.
Taking that Golden Thread from the Leaders VISION and running it all the way through the business to the new starters, so from day 1, a person understands what the company is aiming to achieve.
And, ultimately, fully comprehending what THEIR roles purpose is in achieving it.
To that caretaker, he wasn't only sweeping floors.
He wasn't an astronaut, but he felt a sense of immense pride in playing his part and saw clearly how HIS role worked towards the bigger picture in achieving the 'mission to the moon'.
He knew the knock-on effect of his role not being done properly would impact the end result.
As custodians of internal communication, we are like guardians of this golden thread.
And, with every message we craft and every feedback session we organise, we're adding to its strength.
Now, I hear you when you say 'It's all very well 'knowing' that's what we need to do as internal communicators, but the theory isn't always easy to remember or implement during a busy work day'.
Believe me, I know.
I'll be first to admit that in the bustle of the day-to-day of my role, and very often without a great deal of 'thinking time' before a message has to go out, this very important part of the narrative isn't always front of my mind either.
In our fast-paced digital world, our golden thread needs to be adaptable and robust, a big challenge in larger, more disbursed workforces where pockets of mini cultures can form.
It's something for us all to think about anyway, when we get a chance to do so, between the many 'must be done yesterday' parts of all our roles.
So, here's something for us all to mull over...
🤔 how do we weave this golden thread within our organisations?
🤔 how does it show up in our comms?
🤔 and how do our roles help to get everyone within the company on the same golden path to Oz?
Becky x
Remember, at 'The Full Story', we're all about ensuring your voice is heard and understood, whether you're speaking to your team or the wider world. Let's work together to make your business communication as seamless and effective as possible.
I'm Becky, and I'm just a message away. So, drop me a line or give me a call - let's start crafting your full story today! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Cheers and catch you in the next post!